It is Saturday, so we have been to the farmers market and we have new goodies. I never know what I am going to make but Saturday’s make it easy, we are drinking whatever the fresh ingredients dictate. Today, we stocked up on purple Cherokee tomatoes to have in bacon sandwiches with fresh sourdough bread and some corn to make elote, which you will see in a drink soon. We also found some wonderful cucumbers for today’s drink. Won’t you join me now as we stand and make Horn of the Bulls.
This one calls for cucumber syrup, which only takes a few minutes to make. Basically, you make 1:1 simple syrup, I did one cup of sugar to one cup of water, bring it to a low boil while stirring. Remove from heat and drop in 6-7 slices of peeled cucumber and let that steep 10-20 minutes, strain and bottle. Since I had to peel the cucumber anyway, I reserved a long wide strand to use as garnish.
Ok, grab your tins and pop in 1 1/2 of tequila, I went with Kah Añejo; 1/3 an ounce of Midori melon liqueur, 1/2 an ounce of cucumber syrup, 3/4 ounce of pineapple juice, 3/4 ounce of heavy cream, 3/4 ounce of egg white or aquafaba and a pinch of salt. Pop your tins together and give this one a good dry shake to the beat of Marillion’s “Kayleigh“. When you get to the confetti in our hair, pop your tins open carefully, add ice and shake through the chorus. Strain into a Collins glass which you have lined with a cucumber peel and top with club soda, I went with Topo Chico. Pour carefully to get that wonderful fizz head on the drink and add a paper straw, standing straight up in the center, to accentuate your head game.
I so wanted to love this one and I thought I did. Great flavor from the tequila and cucumber, wonderfully creamy, so good, but then that devil Midori comes stomping in the room wanting to know who is ready to party. No one. No one is ready to party with you Midori. You just ruin everything. Not big on subtlety in Midoriburg are they. I know. It is not Midori’s fault, it’s me. I’ve been trying though. I’ve still got about 11 dollars worth of the stuff, so I’ll keep looking for recipes, always hopeful that I will find the one recipe it shines in. Gotta be honest, it’s beginning to feel a bit like an abusive relationship. I give and I give and all it does is take and then act like I am crazy for not appreciating it more.
There you go, if you like melon liqueur, you may like this drink. I don’t like melon liqueur and I still enjoyed this one some. Laura tried it and looked at me with the “oooh” eyes which switched to the crestfallen ones as she sadly said, “Midori, isn’t it.” Sheepishly, I kinda looked at my feet and replied, “Yeah…I know.” You win some, you lose some, some get ruined by melons. Stay safe, stay hydrated and stay sane, my friends.
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