There are more than just bananas in there...

Month: November 2020 (Page 1 of 3)

Nuclear Daiquiri

I grew up during the closing act of the Cold War with a clear idea of who the bad guys were and no doubt that we wore the white hats and had the shining armor. I remember when the Berlin Wall fell. I remember when the Soviet Union split into 15 republics, before those splintered into even more nation states. I recall people celebrating as that world ended, not with the bang we expected, but with a whimper. It wasn’t even clear that it was really over, just one day they weren’t there anymore. As some celebrated, I remember my stoic German teacher shaking his head as he reminded me that the world had just gained 15 new nuclear powers, many with a leadership vacuum and that the world we lived in had just become much more dangerous and unsure. That realization hit me. The previous enemy understood the simple risk and complicated peace promised by the balance of mutually assured destruction. Would the new keepers of the keys respect that balance? Do we understand it yet, nearly thirty years on? I don’t know, but it has me thinking today as the snow falls outside, so won’t you please join me as we stand and make the Nuclear Daiquiri.

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Mexican Breakfast Stout

We haven’t done a brunch drink in a while. To be fair, we haven’t done brunch in a while, but I felt like a bit of pre lunch day drinking, so here we are. I love the whole concept of brunch. You get to sleep in and then enjoy an extra decadent meal complete with drinks. Well, drinks from the approved list. You can’t have a martini or an old-fashioned without raising eyebrows, but a Mimosa or Gordon’s Breakfast Cup or Bellini or French 75? You can have five of those and no one will care. So, let’s add one to our approved brunch drink list as we stand and make the Mexican Breakfast Stout.

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Autumn Sour

I’m leaning in to the Thanksgiving weekend drinks with yet another cocktail for the season. I’ll get back to completely random drinks soon, but for now I am enjoying this transition into the holiday season and basically making drinks like I might find featured this week if I were going out and enjoying drinks in bars. So please join me now as we stand and make the Autumn Sour.

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Cranberry Spiced Whiskey Sour

I am staying with the theme on this Black Friday. Don’t worry, you don’t have to stand in line for tonight’s drink and no one has to fight for it, either. Nope, we have been incorporating Thanksgiving ingredients for the last few days, so tonight we are having leftovers, sort of. Won’t you please join me now as we stand and make the Cranberry Spiced Whiskey Sour.

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Pumpkin Flip

Time. That is what it comes down to, There is never enough time. Time to do all the things you had planned, to say the things not yet said. We waste so much of our time, waiting for the right moment, waiting for things to line up, for our money to get right. Waiting for a time that is never to come. Today is Thanksgiving and this is what I have been thinking about all day, how to make the most of the days we have left. Whether it is years or weeks, time is running out for all of us and when those last seconds tick away, what will we have left undone. So, let’s ponder using time wisely as we stand and make the Pumpkin Flip.

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Peas and Spank You

As Hunter Thompson said, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” In honor of the impending Thanksgiving holiday at home, I’m embracing the next level bizarreness of 2020 with a drink to help you get through your meal prep, while repurposing an unusual ingredient. So, won’t you join me now as we stand and make, Peas and Spank You. 

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“There’s nothing to it, lad. Just write down some words till you’ve said it all. Easiest thing in the world” he said as he looked out into the coming storm. “I really don’t understand what all the fuss is about. You know what happened, right?” I nodded in agreement. “Then just tell them the thing, like it happened, maybe add a bit here and there for the spice of it.” It sounded so simple. Of course, it did, things always sound easy, but the doing part was harder. He must’ve seen the doubt in my eyes. “Just start out at the beginning, anything to get them going. Look out that window.” “Twas a dark and stormy night,” he bellowed “that’s always a good one. Doesn’t matter if it was dark or stormy, you just need to set the tone. To let them know that a story has begun and it’s time to pay attention; and don’t let the truth of the thing get in the way of a good story. The telling, that’s what matters.” I sighed to myself, took my place behind the bar and in a voice as clear as a bell I called out. “Won’t you please join me now as we stand and make the classic Tipperary.”

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Little Italy

The best of wives made homemade lasagna this afternoon. This is important because it is imperative that you understand the difficulties of trying to write through a food induced coma. Dinner was so good, but it doesn’t make you clever, it makes you sleepy. If you can stay awake, please join me now as we stand and make the Little Italy.

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White Cloud

It’s like an episode Green Acres here today. I didn’t put on my suit, but I did drive the tractor around a bit and we spent a lot more time farming than I had planned on. What’s this got to do with the drink? Well, very little, but we can get into that after you join me as we stand and make the White Cloud. 

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