Some days you’ve just gotta let go of things. Kick back let the world move on without you, preferably listening to some Kenny Rogers while laying on a nice rug. You know, the kind that really pulls the room together. When that time comes there is really only one drink that will do, the White Russian.
No crazy craft stuff tonight, just a straight forward build it in the glass and stir kinda cocktail. Grab a nice glasss, something with some heft to it and fill about halfway with ice. Toss in two ounces of vodka, I prefer Corsair Artisan Distillery‘s Vanilla Bean Vodka for depth in this one, and one ounce of a coffee liqueur, most folks use Kahlua at this point but I’m a fan of Songbird, from the great state of Indiana. Give that a quick stir and a couple of drops of Tonka Bean bitters, top with an ounce or two of heavy cream or half and half, and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the Brownian motion making art in your glass. Let it settle about half a frame and sip till you don’t care if Walter can get you a toe or if Donny is out of his element, if Maude’s early work was deeply vaginal or if Brad wants to watch, cause none of that matters, man. Just take ‘er easy for all us sinners out here…
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