There are more than just bananas in there...

Month: October 2009

A Pearl of Great Price…


I do not normally engage in politically charged subjects here. I like to keep this nice and light, a place for musings that hopefully spread a little joy and the occasional bit of wisdom, but I read something this week that I feel needs to be shared. Since this is one of the few places where I can get away with saying anything I want, I am going to use it to help put a face on a problem our country currently faces. I promise to go back to my usual pictures, recipes and homilies in my next post, but I beg your indulgence and your patience as I look a little deeper into an issue that I had honestly never considered until this week. Continue reading

Going Organic with Tomato Basil Bisque

Taking the slippery slope into organic gardening...

Taking the slippery slope into organic gardening…

One of the best parts of Autumn is the harvest of the bounty of summer and the final payoff of all of those long hours in the garden.  It is a time when our kitchen kicks back into gear after it’s long summer break, at time for baking and best of all a time for soups and stews. There is little more welcoming than coming home to the smell of freshly-baked bread and a pot of stew that has been simmering all day. One of my favorite Fall dinners is my mother’s Tomato Basil Bisque with a grilled cheddar cheese sandwich on homemade sourdough bread, now that is serious comfort food. Normally, by this time of year we have to rely on tomatoes that we canned earlier in the season, but here we are in the first week of October and we still have fresh tomatoes on the vine, so let’s take advantage of them. Continue reading