I am feeling a bit contrarian and stubborn this evening. I don’t know why, it just happens sometimes. They are calling for an ice storm later, but it’s been warm all day, so I want a treat. I figure I deserve it. I mean I got through the day. I didn’t have a treat yesterday or the day before. Honestly, I am not sure if I have been good enough to deserve a treat, but I am having one anyway. So in the spirt of delayed pleasure and finally getting something sweet, won’t you please join me now as we stand and make La Vida Nola.
This one was created by Jessica Torres of One Martini and was the obvious choice for today. One, because I like all the things in it. Two, I want a treat and it looks like my kind of decadent. Three, it is my friend Kim’s birthday and I think she would like this one because of reason; Four, ice cream. That’s right, this one is a boozy shake, with whipped cream on top and everything. You don’t know what joy looks like until you see Kim when she, finally, gets her ice cream. So let’s make it and see if it lives up to the hype.
Grab the blender and pop in 1 ounce of coffee liqueur, I went with St. George NOLA; 1/2 an ounce of Illegal Mezcal; a couple of scoops of chocolate ice cream and 1/2 an ounce of milk. Blend to the sounds of “That’s What Friends Are For“ until smooth and creamy, if it needs a little more milk, no one is going to judge you for adding another 1/2 ounce. Do what you feel is right, for you. Give that a long pour into an ice cream soda glass or something suitable and top with some whipped cream out of a can. Maybe some coffee beans and a mini pancake or two. Don’t forget the obligatory cherry on top, throw in a straw and serve.
How could that not be wonderful? Seriously? It’s ice cream. With coffee. And mezcal. There is whipped cream. It has a cherry AND a pancake. Seriously, what are you not getting here? Yes, I admit that if the pancake were soaked in coffee it would be better, but we had to draw the line somewhere. I suppose you could sub out the mezcal for some maple bourbon or even some Crown Royal, if that’s your thing. Either way, boozy coffee milkshake. It’s a thing. Another benefit, pancakes for garnish means breakfast for dinner, so yeah, there’s that.
Happy birthday to the gal who braids my hair and does my makeup and makes sure that I come in at the right time for that second verse all while still needing her ice cream and pancakes which we totally drove right by. I appreciates ya, for looking out for me and taking care of that other guy. He needs the help and I am glad you are there to keep him out of trouble, mostly. We’ve had some fun times on the road. Whether we are eating pancakes with coffee at midnight, discussing the finer points of eyeliner and hair adornments, texting on church day or finally getting that ice cream, we always have a blast and I can’t wait for the world to open back up to continue our adventures, if we can get Michael out of the house. Have a good one! Stay safe, stay hydrated and stay sane, my friend.
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